At 09:54 AM 3/8/01 -0500, Rich Lafferty wrote:
>> Frankly, I don't think they could handle it. Does the open source
>> community have the same number of full-time man-hours available to a
>> new task of this size?
I'm in support of one hand clapping and even invisible
hands, but who's the "us" in Sellam's "well if they'd
just hand it over to us", and who's to say what would
be accomplished?
Handing over the Microsoft source base wouldn't necessarily
solve the problems that this thread was once about. The
Microsoft code would undergo massive ecological and
evolutionary changes, long-term and short-term, like
dumping a barge of fertilizer in the ocean.
As for WINE, I thought
was pretty cool, too. It's along the lines of the
hypothetical Microsoft distro I dreamed of: it can do
Linux as well as Redmond.
- John
Received on Thu Mar 08 2001 - 10:54:43 GMT