From: Cameron Kaiser <>
> I'm guessing that the blank screen you get is a *white* screen and
> a cyan border?
You are right, the screen is not black rather it glows white, but without a
> If cartridges work, as they do in yours, the problem is clearly one of the
> ROMs. Since the disk drive is operational my first guess is the BASIC ROM,
> which is fortunate for you because the Kernal ROM is unique to the SX :-)
> I don't remember the number on it, though, but the SX Kernal should be
> labelled 251104 with possibly a revision number (-04?). DON'T swap that
> out. The BASIC ROM is probably labelled 901226 but that's in the breadbox
> systems. You can take that from any regular C64, and it should work fine.
That appears to be the upshot of the advice in the various replies inlcuding
Tony's (thanks everyone). Not surprisingly, I have plenty of C64 spares from
which to pull a BASIC-ROM .
> If both ROMs are shot, all is not lost if you have an EPROM burner -- see
> wonderful archive:
I might get to try the C64 EPROM burner sitting on the shelf! Thanks.
> Just my $0.02! (You adjust for AUS$.)
Sadly, I would have to cough up 4 aussie cents plus $10 bank charges :(
Received on Mon Mar 12 2001 - 05:49:29 GMT