From: Mike Ford <mikeford_at_socal.rr.com>
Date: Mon Mar 12 17:45:02 2001

>Talk was here about 10bT and 10b2 to AAUI adaptors.
>I have some transcievers like these, but, Dumb Me,
>I don't know what AAUI is. Is that Apple AUI?
>Does that mean that AUI transcievers can't work with
>Apples or is it really that you are supposed to
>call it AAUI instead of AUI all along?
>John A.

AAUI is a tiny (miniture) connector found on a lot of Apple stuff with a
<...> symbol.

AUI is what many people think of as a Thick ethernet connector, but its
really the "official" connection for a transceiver (10bt, 10b2, 10b5, or
weird stuff like fiber). By the time Apple did the AAUI few people were
wanting 10b5, and Apple never uses a "standard" connector anyway, so they
came out with a tiny AAUI Apple AUI, and it is NOT electrically compatible
with a AUI (you need a brick sized powered adapter to convert to AUI).

AUI to 10bt adapters are still handy as many early devices had AUI and
coax, and AUI to coax are handy as many newer devices are AUI and 10bt.
Received on Mon Mar 12 2001 - 17:45:02 GMT

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