Dumpster find SUN Solaris Sparc Compiler C++ ver 4.0

From: Bill Pechter <pechter_at_pechter.dyndns.org>
Date: Tue Mar 13 07:25:48 2001

> A little off topic but: Found several of these SPARCompiler C++
> ver 3.0 & 4.0 today in the dumpster of a defunct local technology Co.
> Brand new in the box w/instal manual and the CD is still shrink wrapped.
> Trash or treasure? Can they be installed and/or used without a license
> agreement?
> Thanks for any info, Craig

I've got V3, I'd love to get V4.

You can get a 30 day try before buy license key for them from Sun.

bpechter_at_monmouth.com    | FreeBSD since 1.0.2, Linux since 0.99.10  
Brainbench MVP           | Unix Sys Admin since Sys V/BSD 4.2
Unix Sys.Admin.          | Windows System Administration: "Magical Misery Tour"
Received on Tue Mar 13 2001 - 07:25:48 GMT

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