My PDP11/53

From: Bill Pechter <>
Date: Sun Mar 18 16:43:18 2001

> Bill,
> Your last line speaking of CTS-RTS ,DTR, DSR, and DCD..... is that what
> the null modem cable does, or is that in addition to the null cable?

That depends on who made the null modem and what they were trying to
hook up. Some computers just use Transmit (tx), Receive (rx),
and signal ground (pins 2, 3 and 7 on the RS232 DB25... some
use handshaking signals to allow data out the serial port (mainly for
modem flow control.

> Chad Fernandez, who is learning he knows quite a bit less about
> computers than he thought he did :-)
> Michigan, USA
> Bill Pechter wrote:
> > One thing -- I don't know about the 11/53 -- but most DEC DL11-W console
> > serial ports don't give you the modem control signals you need for
> > the PC (CTS<->RTS) (DTR->DSR-DCD).
> >
> > You probably need a null modem cable or adapter with CTS-RTS jumpered
> > at the PC and DTR going to DSR and DCD (both ways).
> >
> > --Bill

--    | FreeBSD since 1.0.2, Linux since 0.99.10  
Brainbench MVP           | Unix Sys Admin since Sys V/BSD 4.2
Unix Sys.Admin.          | Windows System Administration: "Magical Misery Tour"
Received on Sun Mar 18 2001 - 16:43:18 GMT

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