
From: Edwin P. Groot <epgroot_at_ucdavis.edu>
Date: Tue Mar 20 11:39:06 2001

     Hi Bill,
     Try the CTAPE command. This stands for 'condition tape', and will
wind the tape one way, then wind it back. If that works, then the
ERASETAPE command will initialize your tape for storing data. The REWIND
command will take you to the first data block.
     If you get any STALL errors, the 'rubber wheel' is probably slipping.


At 09:35 PM 3/19/2001 -0800, you wrote:
>Well the system is just a basic system, all the slots are empty, doing a
>catalogue of the tape doesn't work, but it does recal the tape. give an
>checking the tape drive capstan and the rubber wheel appears to be okay,
it may
>infact be the tape. anyone know how to make it do a retention?
>Thanks in advance for all your help!
Received on Tue Mar 20 2001 - 11:39:06 GMT

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