> Date: Sun, 18 Mar 2001 23:45:19 -0500 (EST)
> From: "R. D. Davis" <rdd_at_smart.net>
> Subject: Sun VME bus boards (was: This is CLASSIC COMPUTERS)
> Sorry... I've been hacking some database stuff and Perl all weekend
> and I guess it obfuscated my mind a little.
> Speaking of classic computers, is anyone here interested in purchasing
> some Sun VME-bus boards? I've got a bunch of them that I'm trying to
> sell for someone, and I'd like to free up some of the space that
> they're taking up... lots of CG3 boards, various CPUs, etc. While I'd
> like to just give these away, I agreed to pay $x dollars apiece for
> each one sold or transferred to someone else, so I'd like to at least
> cut my loss (as I'll be taking a loss). The agreement that I made also
> means that I need to find good homes for them, so I'll only sell them
> to those who are truly intereted in using them.
I'd certainly be interested in a couple of VME cg3s :) Have you had chance to make a list of what
other boards you have?
Have you posted/are you going to post this over to sunrescue? (rescue_at_sunhelp.org) you'll get a
lot more takers from them :)
> But wait, that's not all, I'll provide a chance for a FREE *BONUS* to
> all who purchase these; that's right, I'm giving away something for
> absolutely nothing! Free arachnids! Disclaimer: Quantity of
> arachnids per board may vary; some boards may contain no arachnids;
> purchasers responsible for all consequences. ;-)
I take it the arachnids have taken up residence?
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