From: Iggy Drougge <optimus_at_canit.se>
Date: Tue Mar 27 07:10:23 2001

Tony Duell skrev:

>OK, these drives are non-stnadard enough that you can't plug them
>straight into a PC's floppy controller. But that's not really what I was
>talking about. Thing is, I can take a floppy disk from one of the HP
>units, put it in a PC drive, and read/write to it using the right
>software. There is no way a PC can read an original Apple Mac disk.

Yoiu're so PC-centric. Since there really weren't any PCs with 3,5" floppy
drives, that was a moot point. The Amiga used a format of its own as well,
thoiugh not as involved as the Mac's, and I'm glad it did, since an extra
hundred kays of space, not to mention a nice file system, was a nice bonus
back in the day.

>And I am quite sure that what most users would care about is being able
>to transfer files (even just text) between their machine and their
>cow-orker's machine. Which might be in another town, or another country,
>so you can't set them up next to each other with a null-modem cable.

Couldn't the original Macs read PC disks using Apple file exchange or similar

>> As for both the SCSI connector and the serial ports, the main
>> reason I can see for Apple doing it the way they did was due to space
>> constraints on the rear of the compact form-factor Mac's. There just

>I still think the correct solution to that is to use a bigger case. I
>have never understood this love of making things small, especially not
>when there are good technical reasons not to do so.

If you live in a 17 m? flat like I do, you'll come to appreciate such things.

>THere are good reasons for having a ground wire between every signal wire
>on the SCSI bus. Which you can't do if you have a DB25 connector. I think
>youy can come _close_ if you use a DC37, but I've never seen that
>connector used for SCSI. Nor have I ever seen the DB44 (yes, it does
>exist) used for SCSI, which, being the same shell size as the DB25, would
>bave been an obvious choice.

Or they could have employed something like the micro DB-50, as seen on more
modern systems. To add insult to injury, there were other SCSI manufacturers
who used DB25 pinouts of their own. And what about the dangerous serial ports
of the non-ADB models?

En ligne avec Thor 2.6a.
Give your child mental blocks for Christmas.
Received on Tue Mar 27 2001 - 07:10:23 BST

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