> I get this from time to time from sellers at local ham fests. I respond
> something to the effect that if they want to get the eBay price then they
> should sell it on eBay, but I don't see the point of them having gone
Ah! I agree 100%....If you want ebay price, go try sell it on ebay with all
the hassles attached...
> through all the trouble of packing their stuff up and hauling it down to a
> parking lot to stew all day in the sun and refuse a reasonable offer. I
> also then remind them of how much work it is to pack, label and ship the
> item to the buyer and ask them to calculate how much their time is worth
> to them. At that point the sensible sellers will see it my way and give
> into my offer. The assholes will go home with the item and maybe
> successfully sell it on eBay.
Always baffeld by the kinda stuff I see at hamfests. Some ot this stuff is
in so bad shape, I would be ashamed to display it in front of me...
I can't understand people "holding on" to their stuff when they go to a
hamfests and hauling it back in the car or van...It just damages the stuff,
the car etc... I go to one hamfest per year with a bunch of people from work
(all electronic techs) we go there to get RID not RICH! I often finish off
the day writing "GRATUIT" (free in french) and just giving the stuf away if
it's still on my table...Around 11:00 - 12:00 I often do a "TAKE IT ALL FOR
$10"...this usually includes several computers, monitors and other
stuff...no scratch, dented junk...
Received on Mon May 07 2001 - 09:06:01 BST