Intel C8080A chip brings $565 on EBAY

From: Russ Blakeman <>
Date: Sun Nov 18 22:24:01 2001

Hopefully this is in response to another comment about "idiots" and not
mine. I see your point as a collector and why this is an out of the ordinary
one for your collection. I personally don't place that much value on the
chip but then I don't see a million plus bucks for a wooden humidor that an
ex-president had either, regardless of of historical (sometimes deemed
"hysterical" )value. I do see what the resale value is on occasion for
things I get and don't personally want as I am a cash collector myself - not
as a person that is a numismatic, just a money lover/hoarder. besides cash
stores easier than computers and I don't have to plug cash in or
troubleshoot it, but I do love to tinker so I have the computers as well.

-> -----Original Message-----
-> From:
-> []On Behalf Of John Galt
-> Sent: Sunday, November 18, 2001 9:43 PM
-> To:
-> Subject: Re: Intel C8080A chip brings $565 on EBAY
-> Let's see...
-> My "Intentions"... Well, I am a chip collector. I want chips.
-> I want you
-> to sell them to me. I will offer you
-> more than you might think they are worth. If you do
-> not need some old chips you have laying around, then
-> here's a chance for you to get rid of them and make a few
-> bucks in the process. Will I turn around and try and sell
-> the chips I bought from you at a profit? I might. If you
-> sell me a chip for 5$ that I already have and collectors
-> are paying $500 for it, then yes, I will sell it or better
-> yet, trade it for a chip I do not have that I would have had to have paid
-> $500 for otherwise.
-> "Clueless and greedy" people? Hmmm. I might be "clueless"
-> (some here have
-> proclaimed me an idiot) but
-> I do not consider myself "greedy". The C8080A bid went
-> that high because two collectors wanted it and there was only
-> one available.
-> There was no "greed" involved.
-> "The way the message was written, sounded like business, intentions of
-> making $".
-> My intent was to demonstrate that you guys should come off that
-> stash of old
-> chips you have squireled away.
-> They are not doing you any good and there is a community of chip
-> collectors
-> who would love to get
-> their hands on them. But then, they are not here at the moment
-> and I am, so
-> I am more than willing to "distribute"
-> them to legitimate collectors for you. In otherwords,
-> I am willing to be the "middleman". I buy the chips from
-> you (for more than you think they are worth) and I then
-> put them in the hands of legitmate chip collectors.
-> You get some cash and get to know that your old chips
-> will be preserved and enjoyed by others instead of
-> sitting in some box in your garage. Will I make money
-> on the deal? I might, but if I do, I'll just use it to buy
-> other chips I do not have from other collectors. Most
-> collectors obtain most of there chips thru trading. But
-> that only works if you have chips to trade. I don't have
-> any old computers to trade so I offer you cash instead.
-> However, if you do need a chip, there's a good chance
-> I can find it for you. In fact, I've got a special this week.
-> Purple C8080A's for only $600 ea. - Just kidding! I can get you
-> the white
-> and gold ones for less than that.
-> Besides, why do you need a C8080A when a P8080A will work just as well? I
-> can get those for $5.
-> In reality, most of the chips you might need can be obtained at very
-> reasonable prices or by simply trading
-> one of us a chip we do not already have.
-> ----- Original Message -----
-> From: <>
-> To: <>
-> Sent: Sunday, November 18, 2001 4:55 PM
-> Subject: Re: Intel C8080A chip brings $565 on EBAY
-> > > From: "John Galt" <>
-> > > To: <>
-> > > Subject: Re: Intel C8080A chip brings $565 on EBAY
-> > > Date: Sun, 18 Nov 2001 21:17:40 -0500
-> > > Reply-to:
-> >
-> > > Why are chip collectors so frowned upon on this mailing list? Do you
-> guys
-> > > think us chip collectors are out here busting up Intelec's,
-> Altairs, and
-> > > IMSAI's to get the chips out of them or something?
-> > >
-> > > We are legitimate collectors just like you guys are.
-> >
-> > What is your intentions?! Collectors is catch-all word, some good
-> > some bad!
-> >
-> > >
-> > > Most "normal" people would say you guys are idiots
-> > > for preserving and collecting old computers and paying
-> > > 2K+ for an old IMSAI 8080.
-> >
-> > That $2K for Imsai is the supply and demand fostered by clueless but
-> > greedy people who wanted to make this a collection stuff as a cash
-> > cow than simply using it and fixing it and play with it, that
-> > latter is amirable, former is frowned upon. Also Imsai is buggy and
-> > botched up box. There's better built and properly designed S-100
-> > boxens to play with.
-> >
-> > Your original message didn't introduce yourself clearly first.
-> > The way the message was written, sounded like business, intentions of
-> > making $ and this message also doesn't reflect of these people on
-> > this CC list. This is exactly what speared thru that wasp nest and
-> > angry wasps flying out.
-> >
-> > >
-> > > Give me a break.
-> >
-> > Not a chance! have lot to explain to that CC list then
-> > that uproar will settle down.
-> >
-> > Cheers,
-> >
-> > Wizard
Received on Sun Nov 18 2001 - 22:24:01 GMT

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