>>I assume they exist somewhere, but the closest thing I've ever seen to a
>>tech reference or service manual for any macintosh was the Chilton's book on
>>macintosh repair.
>Apple published a series of manuals entitled "Inside Macintosh," volumes
>3 and 4 of which I found in a thrift shop recently. They are for the
>MACs (copyright dates are 1985) and are primarily geared toward programmers,
>but there are some hardware diagrams and pin-outs (nothing that Tony couldn't
>figure out in less than 30 seconds, though...)
Actually, there are tech manuals that give breakdown and assembly, and
part numbers for almost every mac, and apple product. They also include
basic diagnostic. I believe they are the same manuals the apple
authorized repair centers use (which is really sad, since the diagnostics
are pathetically simple, so obviously apple doesn't expect their techs to
have much of a brain)
You can download the manuals from an Apple FTP site, the catch is
however, you can't browse the contents of the ftp directory, so you need
to know what the manual is you are after. Fortuantly, someone has put up
a web site listing many of them (and links to the FTP site for easy
download). The web site WAS:
http://www.accesscom.com/~gamba/manuals2.html>, alas as of just checking
it now, it seems to be gone. Maybe someone will know a newer site?
(thankfully I pulled down copies of everything I own or am after... now I
just wish I had taken the time to pull everything available down)
Received on Wed Nov 21 2001 - 11:45:23 GMT