This Sunday an Exhibition themed 20th Anniversary of the IBM PC
will open in Frankfurt/M, Germany. The show will last until early
January, so plenty time to book your tikets. I don't have detailed
information about the pices exhibited, but it seams to be a prety
mixed up melnage of PCs and other mid 80s machnines. Check
(German only)
The exhibition is produced by the Förderkreises Industrie- und
Technikgeschichte e.V., a non profit organisation dedicated to
preserve industrial age and technological artefacts. Also least
one of the co-producers (Matthias Schmitt) is also prety active
around other classic computing themes.
VCF Europa 3.0 am 27./28. April 2002 in Muenchen
Received on Wed Nov 21 2001 - 10:10:27 GMT