Thick Ethernet/Sun networking problems

From: Pete Turnbull <>
Date: Fri Nov 2 15:16:02 2001

On Nov 2, 13:59, Lawrence LeMay wrote:

> Well, one way of solving this problem is to reset the M971 card back to
> factory defaults, and then setting the IP address.
> If the IP is reset back to, then the second step is to use the
> reverse-ARP procedure to set the IP address.

Thanks, Lawrence. I've had a quick look at the URL you posted in your
followup, and it seems to me that unless Arno's printer (plotter? I can't
remember either) is bust, that procedure is what he needs.

I was about to reply to Arno's post, and was thinking about (R)ARP while
having my dinner. It's a bit odd the way it says to "make an entry in the
ARP table" because that's NOT what you do, exactly. The ARP table on a
host has nothing to do with providing responses to other things that need
information in order to boot, it's just used to map MAC addresses (Ethernet
addresses, typically) to IP addresses when talking to other hosts known by
IP address. But I'm sure it's just a case of Calcomp getting the
terminolgy slightly wrong.

What it obviously (to me!) means is to set up a host on the same subnet
(actually in the same collision domain) which will respond to a RARP
request. The way you do *that* on a Unix host is to make an entry in
/etc/ethers, containing a line with the hostname that matches the MAC
address you want to provide the IP address to. Then you also need an entry
in the /etc/hosts file, to map the hostname to the IP address. Finally,
make sure the rarpd daemon is running. Usually it will be started by a
line in one of the startup files in /etc/rc.local, /etc/, /etc/rc.2
or similar place (it's in the /etc/init.d/network script in SysV UNIX).
 For Arno, this means:

create /etc/ethers if it doesn't exist
append a line with printer name and MAC (Ethernet) address
/etc/hosts must already exist for the Sun to work, so append a line for the
start up rarpd if it's not already running
(the order in which you do these shouldn't matter)

If we call the printer "calcomp", the line in /etc/ethers is:

00:C0:E2:00:0C:8E calcomp

and the line in /etc/hosts is calcomp

and the command to start rarpd is probably


possibly followed by '-l' and the name of a logfile in which to record what
it does, and/or the name of the interface on which to listen (le0, for
Arno's Sun).

Pete						Peter Turnbull
						Network Manager
						University of York
Received on Fri Nov 02 2001 - 15:16:02 GMT

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