hard-sector 5 1/4 disk

From: Pete Turnbull <pete_at_dunnington.u-net.com>
Date: Fri Nov 2 15:19:29 2001

On Nov 2, 15:45, UberTechnoid_at_home.com wrote:
> I thought they used a 6507 or 6510 processor...

Same family, same instruction set as 6502, just a different bus structure.
 Some of them have reduced address busses, one or two may lack one or two
instructions (? I think), some have different clock requirements, but all
 are part of the R65xx family. The original R6502 data sheets lists the
members and their differences.

Pete						Peter Turnbull
						Network Manager
						University of York
Received on Fri Nov 02 2001 - 15:19:29 GMT

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