Stacking Apple ][ stuff

From: Derek Peschel <>
Date: Tue Nov 6 18:10:14 2001

On Tue, Nov 06, 2001 at 04:42:53PM -0500, wrote:
> (ahh, memories of disk muncher 1.1 -----) The monitor //e sat right on top of
> the two disk ]['s and never a problem. Some of them also had the monitor ///

It's putting the drives (or just the diskettes) on top of the montior that's
supposedly a problem. Putting the monitor on the drives is OK.

> either. I know there is some kind of problem relating to the duodisk and
> disks getting trashed (anyone know details?) but nothing ever related to the
> display.

That would be related to the drive. I forget the details but it's possible
that the two drives shared some component between them.

-- Derek
Received on Tue Nov 06 2001 - 18:10:14 GMT

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