>> I can't figure out how to change the setup, so it is useless to me (if I
>> can't at least get it to accept a 3.5" drive, I can't use it).
>Umm, why?
Why can't I figure out how to change the settings? I don't know, it
doesn't seem to respond to "standard" key combos to get into a setup
menu, so I am figuring it doesn't have one. There are a million and one
unnamed jumpers on the MB, so I don't know if it is one of those, it
doesn't seem to keep settings done thru gsetup (the program I used for my
old IBM ATs and clones). I don't have a manual for it, and a quick look
online turned up no info (I didn't spend a huge amount of time looking,
as the system isn't very valuable to me).
Why can't I use it unless it has a 3.5" drive? Because the only place a
386 is of any use to me right now, is to work as an interviewing station
for a particular software package. But the application runs off a 3.5" DD
disk. So if I can't get it to work with a 3.5, I can't use it (and
currently, it doesn't seem to accept the DD disks in the 3.5 drive when
swapped for the DD 5.25 drive, which I though a little odd, as in my past
experience, I have usually gotten computers to recognize a drive and use
its lowest supported disk format without messing with BIOS settings, the
exception being systems that just didn't support a 3.5 at all, but since
this has cutouts for 2 3.5" drives, I have to assume it should work with
As a result, this machine's HD, RAM, CGA card, screws, jumpers, and dust
plates are of more value to me than the working unit (I normally would
want the PS, but it isn't a standard AT connector, so I will just strip
the fan from it).
Since it IS a fully working, useable 386, I offered it here first, but no
one seems to want it, so I am going to strip it next chance I get
(probably later today, or tomorrow, I need the bench space back that it
is chewing up).
Received on Thu Nov 08 2001 - 12:31:44 GMT