
From: Bryan Pope <>
Date: Fri Nov 9 10:05:45 2001

> Gene Ehrich wrote:
> [Re: Nutella]
> > If you are a chocolate lover you gotta try it.
> Yep. Then again my tastes may be suspect. I'm probably one
> of about six US-born individuals who actually _likes_ Vegemite.

Now why do you like Vegemite as opposed to Marmite? HA.. This could start
an interesting flame was between the Aussies and Brits over which one is the
best.. ;)

> On a related topic, does anyone know where I can get proper
> mustard? I'm talking about traditionally hot, sinus-melting
> English mustard. I have a friend who brings jars back from
> Oz, but the supply is spotty at best...
It sounds like you are describing the mustard they serve in Chineses
restaurants... It has that exact same effect with *very* little eaten.
(And I like this type of stuff... I put lots of wasabi on my sushi for the
sinus cleansing, brain blasting effects...)


Received on Fri Nov 09 2001 - 10:05:45 GMT

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