
From: Chris <>
Date: Fri Nov 9 16:44:28 2001

> Adam was made in God's own image, not that of a monkey.

My only dispute with Adam and Eve (and if anyone wants to have a
theological debate with me, that is fine, but lets do it civilly and OFF
LIST, as I can wage arguments for and against the existence of god)...

My dispute is, according to the King James bible (I am specifying a
version, as there are many, but the King James is the one that seems to
have been adopted by the mass of Christianity), God made Adam. Then God
made Eve. Then Adam and Eve had two sons, one killed the other and then
was banished to a far away land.

Now the obvious problem is, where did the rest of humanity come from...
the obvious answer, Adam and Eve had additional children that just
weren't documented. I don't have a problem with that. What I have a
problem with is, Cain returns to Adam and Eve... with a wife and
children. But if Adam, Eve, and Cain were the ONLY people on Earth when
Cain was sent to a far away land... where did he find a wife to have
children with?

And of course, God can be "proved" and "disproved" (there is actually no
one proof one way or the other that has stood up to all tests as far as I
have found) with no interaction with the bible, which was written by man,
and thus prone to man's interpretation and man's errors in omission, or
embellishments, so the whole story of Adam and Eve has no ultimate
bearing on the existence or lack there of of God, and in fact, can safely
be disregarded as "folk lore" without damaging the underlying belief
structure of God.

And that is all I will say on this on list (sorry, but theology debates
can get very heated very fast and aren't usually a good topic for open
public debate... although they can be a very interesting philosophy topic
when rationally discussed in a small open minded civil group.)


Received on Fri Nov 09 2001 - 16:44:28 GMT

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