From: Sellam Ismail <>
Date: Sat Nov 10 20:09:28 2001

Can we have some god damned moderation around here?

On Fri, 9 Nov 2001, Chris wrote:

> > Adam was made in God's own image, not that of a monkey.
> My only dispute with Adam and Eve (and if anyone wants to have a
> theological debate with me, that is fine, but lets do it civilly and OFF
> LIST, as I can wage arguments for and against the existence of god)...
> My dispute is, according to the King James bible (I am specifying a
> version, as there are many, but the King James is the one that seems to
> have been adopted by the mass of Christianity), God made Adam. Then God
> made Eve. Then Adam and Eve had two sons, one killed the other and then
> was banished to a far away land.
> Now the obvious problem is, where did the rest of humanity come from...
> the obvious answer, Adam and Eve had additional children that just
> weren't documented. I don't have a problem with that. What I have a
> problem with is, Cain returns to Adam and Eve... with a wife and
> children. But if Adam, Eve, and Cain were the ONLY people on Earth when
> Cain was sent to a far away land... where did he find a wife to have
> children with?
> And of course, God can be "proved" and "disproved" (there is actually no
> one proof one way or the other that has stood up to all tests as far as I
> have found) with no interaction with the bible, which was written by man,
> and thus prone to man's interpretation and man's errors in omission, or
> embellishments, so the whole story of Adam and Eve has no ultimate
> bearing on the existence or lack there of of God, and in fact, can safely
> be disregarded as "folk lore" without damaging the underlying belief
> structure of God.
> And that is all I will say on this on list (sorry, but theology debates
> can get very heated very fast and aren't usually a good topic for open
> public debate... although they can be a very interesting philosophy topic
> when rationally discussed in a small open minded civil group.)
> -chris
> <>

Sellam Ismail Vintage Computer Festival
International Man of Intrigue and Danger
Received on Sat Nov 10 2001 - 20:09:28 GMT

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