Semi OT: Radio Shack Armatron & May '85 issue ofRadio-Electronics

From: Ram Meenakshisundaram <>
Date: Wed Oct 3 08:48:10 2001

Mike Ford wrote:

> >>I am planning on converting the Radio Shack Armatron to run off the
> >>parallel port
> The armatron is just ONE motor, everything is done with clutches and gears,
> ie making one controlable is likely more work than just building an arm
> from scratch.

That is correct, but is has been done. As the link I provided shows. They
solenoids to move the joysticks around. The May '85 issue shows how to remove

the one motor and add multiple motors to the joints. The Mobile Armatron is
easier as Tony pointed out, but it is not as cool looking as the SuperArmatron
or the
original Armatron....


      ( o o )
|                        Ram Meenakshisundaram        |
|                        Senior Software Engineer     |
|                        OpenLink Financial Inc       |
|  .oooO                 Phone: (516) 227-6600 x267   |
|  (   )   Oooo.         Email:      |
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Received on Wed Oct 03 2001 - 08:48:10 BST

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