- 2.88 MB floppy drive, scsi?
- 3RCC PERQs (was: ICL PERQ)
- 5.25 floppies available
- 6502 BASIC or Assembler and Intel 8271/WDC 1770 info req'd
- 6502 Source....
- 65816/65802 cpu programming books offer
- 74170F - 4x4 "register file" - what's it good for?
- 8073-based SBC info
- 8080 vs. 8080A
- [Fwd: [swap] CPM Books]
- [Fwd: value of scrap]
- [OT] New toy...
- [OT] New toy...)
- [possibly OT]: Citizen 120D+ interface connector and Acorn System questions
- A couple old books, 6502 and Mostek
- A twist on blinkenlights
- Acronyms
- Acronyms (was: [OT] New toy...
- ADA 1600 for Pet?
- Adventure in Ersatz-11
- Advice/book on installing TOPS network?
- AHA-1542's
- AIM65 items in Toronto
- AIM65 stuff - Toronto area
- allain_at_panix.com
- Almost Free, for pick up only in Michigan MicroPDP11/73
- Almost on topic - Cassette I/O
- Alpha Architecture Docs
- AlphaServer 1000A & EISA Config
- Altair 8800a on EBAY
- Altair 8800a on EBAY)
- Altair32 2.10b released
- Altos 586
- Amiga 3000 problem
- An Organization (was: Do we have a VAX organization?)
- An Organization (was: Do we have a VAX organization?))
- And the winner is...
- Anti Spam sites
- Anyone ever heard of a Canon BX-1?
- anyone in the greater KC area interested in classic computers
- Anyone looking for an MSM Terminal Server for their museum???
- Apple II accelerator and Micromodem II questions
- Apple II SCSI card
- Apple II SCSI Card Questions
- Archiving floppies? / rawread - rawrite
- ArcNet and the Pursuit of Multiple Topologies
- ArcNet and the Pursuit of Multiple Topologiesu
- ArcNet)
- Are office people really that, umm shall we say...slow?
- Armatron
- ASCII Terminal Giveaway - Ottawa Canada
- ASR 33 Emulation - help!
- aui ethernet transceivers
- Available in NJ: BYTE magazines, 1982 and 1983 complete
- Avoiding SCSI Problems
- BA350
- back in the saddle again
- Bad bad DECstation
- Batteries expensive in England?
- BBS documentary in the works
- Big Iron - was Genrad Futuredata info
- big physics labs
- Bird Electronics
- Blame Microsoft! (in bad taste)
- blank 11/16" paper tape rolls available.
- blinkenlights for everybody (?)
- Book on Silicon Valley
- Boot Disk Needed
- Burroughs E6000
- Caddy for one DEC-RDD40 external cdrom unit
- CBM8032 - wobbly screen (The saga continues)
- Central FL Computer Junk Fest)
- Central Florida Junk Fest report.
- Classic cmp
- classiccmp-digest v1 #690
- classiccmp-digest V1 #737
- classiccmp-digest V1 #747
- classiccmp_at_classiccmp.org
- CoCo 3 hot or hmmm
- Cold/Hot storage of computers -- OK?
- Collectors in Toronto (was: AIM65 items in Toronto
- CompuPro and 86-DOS
- CompUSA going titsup.com? [WAS: Question for American Subscribers...]
- Compute!'s and Creative Computing's for free!
- Computer collectors meeting in The Netherlands 27 oct.
- Copying a Scelbi -8H manual
- CP/M Heaven (was HH8899 eecchhoo)
- CP/M-8000
- CPU design at the gate level
- Cromemco Pick-up on 10-13-01
- Cromemco S100 systems
- Dark Tower - any internals info out there?
- Dark Tower Pics
- Data Books - Toronto area
- Dec & Sun stuff available in Houston TX
- DEC Lab 11/40
- DEC memory L0115 in Kansas City
- Dec ribbon, scsi cable
- DEC TK50-GA tape drive/ Windows 9x
- DECserver 700
- DELUA/DELQA needed, trade....
- Did someone FedEx me something?
- Do we have a VAX organization?
- Docs and software wanted for OPUS 300PM
- electronics/computer surplus in Virginia?
- email problems
- email/browser for DOS or C64/128?
- Emulex Qbus Disk controller? (Need help identifying this one)
- Emulex Qbus Disk controller? (Wiring diagram for connectors?)
- emulex uc13/14
- Epson Equity 1
- Epson Equity LT-286 setup
- epson Q150A , i need a hard disk :)
- Epson QX-10 to good home
- Eric Smith asked me to post this
- Error messages, was IBM ROM BASIC or lack thereof
- Falco Terminals, ADM11
- Falling off the internet
- FDDI Cards
- first step getting VAX 6000-400 booted ...
- first step getting VAX 6000-400 booted ...)
- Floppy Disks
- Found WANG boards
- Free terminal
- Free unknown keyboard
- FREE: IBM PC Convertible (austin, tx)
- FS: Emulex P800, Gatorstar GXR, LanBridge
- Fwd: [GreenKeys] Need help in the Denver area
- GenRad Futuredata
- Genrad Futuredata info
- Grappler+ printer interface
- H88 kit available
- H9672 or H984 por one PDP/11 23 PLUS needed
- Half-duplex VT420?
- Hard Drives
- hard-sector 5 1/4 disk
- hard-sector 5 1/4 disk)
- Hard-sector 51/4 disk
- HH8899 eecchhoo
- houston (mostly DEC) garage sale/giveaway
- How many collectors?
- How to disassemble an HSC90?
- HP 2000 notes
- HP 85 stuff
- HP 9000/847S
- HP 9826/9836 computer battery pack
- HP-UX items
- HP1000F/2117F
- HP2000 notes
- HSD05 Results
- Hyperion System disk needed
- IBM 8 Inch Drive
- IBM Keypunches
- IBM PowerStation 320H...
- IBM PowerStation 530 - Who wants it?
- IBM Punched Card equipment docs
- IBM ROM BASIC or lack thereof
- IBM ROM BASIC or lack thereof)
- IBM S/36 5363 Question
- IBM unit record (punched card, tabulating machine) docs
- IDing WYSE terminal
- IIgs using hard disk 20
- IIgs using hard disk 20)
- In Search of RS/6000 POWERserver 930
- Information Please -- HP 13037D Storage Control Unit
- Intel 8085
- Is Joe Around Here(info MDS225)
- Is there a source for veroboard in the U.S.?
- ISA cards for free..
- ISA cards for free...
- John Boffemmyer's SOL
- kalpana
- Ken Slusser
- klesi / rc25 question
- Levco Macintosh Transputer on Ebay
- Leverage Host Software for VMS
- List Maintenance
- LK401 mystery circuit
- Long lines
- Looking for 1990s manuals/software
- Looking for : IBM 5110 Serial IO adapter software
- Looking for : IBM 5110 Serial IO adapter software`
- Looking for DECNA
- looking for documentation for 1963 minuteman missile compute r
- looking for documentation for 1963 minuteman missile computer
- looking for documentation for 1963 minuteman missile computer)
- Looking for documentation/info
- Looking for PDP-1 listings
- Looking for TC01 drawings/manual
- Looking for Turtle Tot information
- Looking for Videobrain system
- macintosh analogue board reconditioning
- MacOS DHCP Server?
- MAI Computer (uk) (fwd)
- Mentor Graphics Storage unit 6000
- Micro Solutions Matchpoint-PC Card - Out there somewhere?
- Model 12 <-> Okidata 600e
- More free ISA/VME cards
- Moving in 12 days....
- NCD collectors/users?
- NCR X-Station?
- Need info/manuals/software - Microtest 14 CD Dicport Tower
- need some advice on some VAX boards ...
- NetCommander - was Network protocols - RS232 Serial
- Network protocols - RS232 Serial
- New aquisitions: PCjr (minus power supply) and Amstrad PC 6400
- new finds
- New toy, some questions..
- NeXT users...
- Odd VT100 question
- Oddball memory (?) sticks....
- old computer sounds
- older SGI and Mac equipment available for free
- Ooops, sorry....
- Osborne 1 (was: OT :-)
- Osborne OCC1
- Osborne/Kaypro disk help needed
- OT Understanding Rant
- OT: Dark Tower
- OT: Dark Tower)
- OT: Has anybody used the "ABC" AVR Basic Controller?
- OT: high bandwidth internet
- OT: Mark-8 repro kits
- OT: Playstation 2 opinion?
- OT: power & ground for wirewrap boards
- OT: Question for American Subscribers...
- OT: Tulip 21041 ethernet driver needed
- Paging Will Jennings
- PCjr Stuff
- PDP-11 stuff in California
- PDP11 tapes
- Periodic rants on eBay
- Philbrick?
- Philips machines (and AMT DAPs)
- Phonemark/Entrepo Quick Data Drive
- please Id cards (2)
- Plessey DEC QBUS and UNIBUS cards
- Portables wanted.
- Power connectors
- PowerWare 6000 UPS
- Price guide for vintage computers
- Price guide for vintage computers (long)
- Price guide for vintage computers)
- Price guide for vintage computers- matchmaker ?
- Pro350 Available.
- problems generating OS8 system tape.
- punch cards, PPT
- Punch cards, punch & mag tapes (Toronto)
- question about vaxservers
- Radio Shack Armatron NEW page
- Radio shack TRS-80 PC-1 and PC-2
- RD54 and RT-11 5.4D
- Re. Hunt for DRV11-WA / DRV11-SA Field Maintenance Print Sets
- Reading data from a CDC Hawk Drive
- Reading non-PC format floppies
- Reading non-PC format floppies (+ OT questions :-)
- Reading non-PC format floppies (+ OT questions :-))
- Rebuilding the PDP 11/34 (2volts?)
- Recently excavated - Dicomed 800868-00 "Color Controller Assembly" - any info?
- Redactron WP
- repair on site
- Rescue / Sale in AZ: PET, Tandy, Apple, PC
- Rescue Needed: SGI PowerSeries III 4d/48VGX FREE!!
- Research Machines Information
- Restoring classic kits w e built way-back-when)
- Restoring classic kits we built way-back-when
- RetroX computer shop in London...
- Ribbons
- RS6000 7012-320H
- SC5889P - info about this part?
- Scrapping LA100 & Diablo printers
- Scrapping LA100 & Diablo printers)
- Scrapping Tektronix 4695)
- SCSI Info requested by David Woyciesjes
- SCSI problems
- SCSI pros & cons
- SCSI Tape + MV3100 + VMS
- Searching one TK50
- Self-combusting Speccy
- Semi OT: Radio Shack Armatron & May '85 issue of Radio-Electronics
- Semi OT: Radio Shack Armatron & May '85 issue ofRadio-Electronics
- Semi-OT : 4063 pinout
- SGI challenge L
- SGI Indigo keyboard and mouse wanted!
- Sharp PC-5000 for sale
- Sharp PC-5000 for sale (early 1983 "laptop") update
- Sigma Designs OneReel Tape
- slightly OT but may of interest to OS/2 users...
- Slightly OT: What to do with a DEC 3000/300?
- SLOT 8 (was: ISA cards for free..
- Sources for punched cards
- Spectrummania
- Squealing CRTs
- Stable Temperature Shoes
- Stan Veit's History of the PC Books - Blow Out - $4 Shipped!
- Sterling Cypher IV 8073 board info
- Still looking
- Still looking)
- Still seeking Televideo TS-803
- Superfile for DOS?
- System pickup help in Santa Fe, NM?
- Tadpole Sparcbook 2: need bootable software
- Tandy 1800HD
- tape drive
- TECO manuals
- Tektronix 4041 GPIB controller
- That awful Spectrum keyboard
- The new VAX is alive!
- TO8 soundchip
- TO: Rca systemlink 5 remote codes and how to program this on e?
- TOPS, OS or network?
- Toshiba T300 (Toronto area)
- Toshiba T300 - last call, Toronto area
- touch screens and linux?
- TRS-80 Model 4P needs new home
- TRS-80 Model II 68000 upgrade (anybody got one?)
- truck space potentially available
- TRW finds, 8" floppies, 68k PC
- TU-58 Tape Drive Problems
- Twiggy Find
- Twoflower says
- Um, SOL50 fell in my lap
- Unidentified device: trans lux teleprinter
- Univac I Graphic Simulator Aid
- Unknown IC
- unknown SRAM chips
- Unsing other Tapedrive instead of TK50
- UTC Transformer type H-89
- value of classic DEC machines?
- value of scrap
- VAX 11/730 Problem
- VAX 4000 Power Cord (BA440)
- VAX 6400's futile attempts to booting Ultrix 4.1, still some progress ...
- VAX6460: VMS 5.4 how to move on?
- Vector MZ's (Toronto area)
- Vintage NASA software available
- vintage schematic for academic use (fwd)
- VLB SCSI? (really 64-bit PCI & 100Mb ISA)
- Wang VS
- weekend additions
- What Computer is This and Who is This Guy?
- What people "should" know
- what RAM for this printer memory board?
- XDS Sigma 5 at CMU
- Z80 or 68K Xinu source?
- zaft_at_azstarnet.com
- ZX Spectrum internals (Was: ZX81 kits)
- Last message date: Wed Oct 31 2001 - 22:59:52 GMT
- Archived on: Fri Oct 10 2014 - 23:34:23 BST