Mike Ford skrev:
>>At 08:26 PM 10/3/01 -0700, Ethan Dicks wrote:
>>>Later, it was a Syquest 44Mb
>>>drive. It was nice, but the carts cost so much that I never bought any
>>>more; I just used it as an expensive 44Mb semi-fixed SCSI drive. :-(
>>Hey, if you need a few Syquest drives or carts ... :-)
>When I bought my 44 MB first Syquest I budgeted for 5 cartridges, and used
>it quite a bit, initially for backups, and later on as just a handy
>portable scsi boot device. Once I had a bootable CD that kind of fell off,
>but recently I bought a EZ230 and a 270 MB drive, and those I expect to put
>some usefull things on (small projects like a NETBsd firewall to copy to
>internal drives).
I'm playing an MP3 off a 44 MB disk right now, just because I'd taken it home
on the SQ and was curious whether it could keep up with real-time MP3
playback. It does, though barely.
I was happy when I got my first SyQuest (some time this year), but the first
thing I noticed was how excruciatingly slow it was.
Thanks to a stroke of luck at the salvation army, I recently got hold of just
about every kind of SyQuest drive made. At only 20 kr (~2 USD) a piece, I got
hold of a 44 MB (I've already got too many of those), an 88 MB, one 200 MB and
one EZ135. The only ones I miss now would be the 250 MB 5? drive (there was
such a thing, right?) and the EZ270.
>Sometimes a network connection, even old slow LocalTalk is the most
>convient thing to use. SCSI has fussy issues it isn't worth sorting out.
Since we haven't got any kind of connection the outside world at the UG, save
for sneakernet, I've come to rely on the SyQuest a lot. It's slow, but at
least it beats diskettes (though not for speed) and hard drives (I used to
carry a 600 MB full-height 5?" SCSI HD back and forth before, but that was
En ligne avec Thor 2.6a.
Received on Thu Oct 04 2001 - 22:24:28 BST