> On Tue, 9 Oct 2001, Peter C. Wallace wrote:
> > > Haven't carrier pigeons been extinct long before IP and UUCP were
> > > developed?
> >
> > Nah, Its passenger pigeons taht are extinct...
> okay, I'll bite... what's the difference between a "carrier pigeon" and a
> "passenger pigeon"?
> - Dan
> Dan Linder / dlinder _at_ uiuc.edu
> Graduate Student, College of Engineering, Dept. of Computer Science
> - Dept. of Computer Science Teaching Assistant
Baud rate and trellis encoding.
d|i|g|i|t|a|l had it THEN. Don't you wish you could still buy it now!
Received on Wed Oct 10 2001 - 09:51:15 BST