My old Citizen 120D+ is back from the dead (thanks to some 0.71mm tinned
copper wire and a bit of fiddling with my soldering iron) and I've got
another query.
A while ago I got a Phonemark "Quick Data Drive", aparrently made by
Entrepo. It uses small endless-loop tape cartridges called "Wafers" (any
relation to the Rotronics Wafadrive? hmm...). Without the Master QOS Wafer
or the blank wafer that were supposed to come with it. Anyone care to tell
me where I can get these tapes? Also, without the QOS wafer, I can't get my
VIC-20 to work with it. Anyone want to hook a QDD up to a PC and transfer
QOS to a T64 (tape) file for me?
I've had the cover off, and it appears to use a small-ish black plastic
mechanism with "BSR" printed on it. This mechanism looks (from the front)
exactly like the ones on the Rotronics Wafadrive. Anyone know if Wafadrive
cartridges will work with it? Anyone know where to get Wafadrive cartridges?
I _know_ this thing will work on a VIC-20, but without the QOS wafer or
a blank wafer I'm stuck.
Is the tape inside these carts normal C-30 "Computer Tape"? Anyone care
to sacrifice one and take pictures and measurements? A 2D CAD drawing of the
tape would be nice (I can get good-quality C60s relatively easily, I just
need to know how the wafers are assembled).
Thanks again.
Received on Sat Oct 13 2001 - 03:33:31 BST