There have been a few regulars as well as a few local Louisville retialers
selling off excess stock at the Marketpro one but most people don't know
anyone there but still buy. I guess it's no worse than a blind bid on ebay
but at least ebay insures most sales.
-> -----Original Message-----
-> From:
-> []On Behalf Of Chad Fernandez
-> Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2001 11:08 PM
-> To:
-> Subject: Re: SCSI problems
-> One thing I like about the A1 SuperComputer shows here in Michigan is
-> that I do see the same vendors time and time again.
-> Chad Fernandez
-> Michigan, USA
-> Russ Blakeman wrote:
-> >
-> > Not to mention that you can't get a refund, you pay $5 or $6 to get in
-> > whether you buy or not, and you may never see the same vendore
-> ever again.
-> > Most "new" stuff are factory seconds/refurbs and they don't
-> tell you that
-> > the warranty doesn't apply (saw one guy pulling the "refurb"
-> stickers off
-> > boxes at one iI went to in Louisville last year) Not all of
-> the vendors are
-> > crooks but there sure is a high percentage.
Received on Wed Oct 17 2001 - 08:07:23 BST
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