--- Tony Duell <ard_at_p850ug1.demon.co.uk> wrote:
> [PCjr PSU connector]
> >
> > Sounds like a 3 pin Molex like appliances use, which is a 3 pin version
> > of the 4 pin Molex used on hard drive power in PCs.
> Possibly...
> I think it's the same type of connector as the ones DEC used for the 3
> wire power control bus on their power controllers (relay boxes :-)).
That was what I was thinking, but I haven't had the two side-by-side for
a comparison yet.
> I thought that was a mate-n-lock, but I am not sure.
Not sure, either. I think of ASR-33 20mA connectors as Mate-n-Lock, but
perhaps is a generic term for any of the Molex connectors with that size
of pin and the white plastic housing.
> IIRC, the polarisation on the disk drive power connector is by having 2
> sloping corners. On the PCjr power connector, it's 2 square notches in
> the corners
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> PC disk drive connecotr PCjr power connector.
Right. Nothing an X-acto knife can't fix. ;-)
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Received on Thu Oct 18 2001 - 11:39:35 BST