PCjr Stuff

From: Brutman.Michael <mbbrutman_at_magnaspeed.net>
Date: Thu Oct 18 17:21:05 2001

There were a few 3rd parties that made hard drives for the
PCjr, both MFM and SCSI versions.

The SCSI ones are really interesting to me - there was a
Future Domain TMC850Jr controller that PC Enterprises sold
that attached on the side, and a card sold as part of an
upgrade package by RIM that went in the internal modem slot.
Unfortunately, I have neither - and I'd love to have one. I
imagine that the SCSI solutions can be faked into using a
SCSI Zip drive, which would be awesome ..

Jr heads ... here is my contribution to the web:


I have the tech ref, the service book, and other goodies. I
also wrote a cartridge & system ROM dumping program - might
be handy if anybody ever decides to start copying the old
cartridges. (Email me for source & .EXE)

Received on Thu Oct 18 2001 - 17:21:05 BST

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