Are office people really that, umm shall we say...slow?
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On Saturday 20 Oct 2001 19:59 pm, Tony Duell wrote:
> Connector are cheaper than cables. And they're easier to get. Often the
> monitor end of the cable terminates in some strange PCB connectors, of
> which there are dozens of varients, many of them almost impossible to
> find...
Thanks :-) I didn't know that. To be quite honest, I can't recall ever having
the need to open up monitors before - so far all the one's I've got have
worked fine - it's only the newest one that the cable broke in. Is it just
me, or does new technology seem much less reliable than old(er) stuff?
> When I was an undergraduate (admittedly at the other university), I found
> a toolkit to be essential. It's amazing how often you need to fix things.
> I had most common hand tools, a soldering station, solder sucker,
> multimeter, etc in my room. Even a small 'scope. And I needed them...
To be quite honest, for the very few times I'd need one (possibly once or
twice a year) it's not worth for me to take all the equipment up from home -
it's far easier just to take the faulty item back home and fix it there. I'm
sure you can forgive me not having equipment here (actually, I do have a
soldering iron now, but that's it) :-)
> The vidoe lines have 75 )hm termination resistors, so you can measure the
> reisstance between the video cable and its screen. If it tests open
> there's a break in the cable. You can normally detect the protection
> diodes on digital lines too with an ohmmeter. So you can, in fact, check
> for broken wires from the plug end of the cable only.
Thank you. I'll give that a try.
> > The subject was about 'office people'. Most(?) IT people wouldn't know
> > how to solder a monitor connector, or possibly wouldn't be allowed to by
> > either
> As I said in another message, such IT people get no respect from me...
I agree. A competent IT guy should be able to fix items like broken
connectors with little effort. And, of course, should be able to build a
computer out of parts (that is, graphics card, CD-ROM, rather than the
individual chips :-) - I'm sure there are people who don't know how to do
> > their company or Health and Safety (no, I don't know much about
> > Health&Safety
> Then you smuggle in one of those gas-powered soldering irons and fix it
> when the powers-that-be are not watching :-)
Yup :) Although most people who know me know that I have a very low regard
(none, really) for Health and Safety laws - I watch out where I put stuff,
other people should too (okay, probably not the best thing to admit on a
public forum :-)
- --
- --I reserve the right to be completely wrong about any comments or
opinions expressed; don't trust everything you read above--
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