On Sun, 21 Oct 2001, Chris wrote:
> This (mine) email address is ONLY used for list subscriptions. I
> recieve NO outside spam to this address. That tells me that no one has
> harvested addresses from the list (or any list I am on). HOWEVER... I
> do recieve from time to time spam addressed TO the list (and thus it
> ends up at this address). No amount of address obscuring to solve
> that, as it isn't addressed to "you" but to the list, and thus proxied
> to you.
Just for the record, ditto. This address is only used for list traffic
and aside from the spam posted directly to the list, it is remarkably spam
> Not that I am against address obscuring (since this list replies to
> the list, and not to the person, so it doesn't become an annoyance).
> Just thought I would mention my findings on the topic.
But for people using the archives for research it would be nice to be able
to e-mail the original poster (unless the address obscuring we're talking
about will not completely remove the e-mail address from the message).
Sellam Ismail Vintage Computer Festival
International Man of Intrigue and Danger
Received on Mon Oct 22 2001 - 14:39:09 BST