On Mon, Oct 22, 2001 at 08:07:57PM +0100, Tony Duell wrote:
> >
> > Best thing to do, is to have a WW board with pads and
> > busses. I've had no problems using ordinary 30 ga WW
> > wire for power and ground following these rules:
> >
> > 0. ALWAYS use "modified wrap" with one turn of
> > insulation as a strain relief.
> And ignore those darn slit-n-wrap tools (unless you can afford one of the
> professional motorised ones). The hand ones seem to give about 50% bad
> connections. No thanks!
Interesting, I've never had a problem using manual slit-n-wrap. I also
think that it's easier to trace than straight wire wrap unless you cut
each wire to the proper length.
* * *
* John Ott * Email: jott_at_hamming.ee.nd.edu *
* Dept. Electrical Engineering * *
* 275 Fitzpatrick Hall * *
* University of Notre Dame * Phone: (219) 631-7752 *
* Notre Dame, IN 46556 USA * Fax: (219) 631-9924 *
* * *
Received on Tue Oct 23 2001 - 12:48:06 BST