On Oct 23, 8:15, John Foust wrote:
> So Pete, are you going to tell us the story behind
> this find?
There's not much to tell, really. It originally belonged to the
University's Psychology Department, which has moved between buildings a few
times, and it was left in a small storeroom at the back of a building they
left some time ago. I bought something from a postgrad in the building,
and whilst chatting he mentioned that the AV technician was also into oold
computers, so I paid him a visit. In the course of *that* conversation, he
mentioned there was a disused PDP-11 that would need moved in time for a
forthcoming building refurbishment, and the rest, is, as they say, history.
I try to make sure that people around the campus know I'm interested in old
machines, and from time to time something interesting turns up :-)
I probably won't have much time to do anything other than gaze at it every
time I walk past, until the weekend, but I'll let you know how I get on.
I'm also trying to sort out the 6000VA UPS (unrelated acquisition) I got
last week, and mentioned on the list. I've got as far as getting it
powered up without tripping the 32A circuit breaker, getting the
diagnostics and status out of the serial port, and have figured out why it
doesn't like the batteries: the two sets of ten 12V lead-acid batteries are
all flat. None reads more than 0.2V :-( I presently have a pulse
generator/charger on some of them, to see if I can get any life out of a
few. It looks moderately hopeful.
Pete Peter Turnbull
Network Manager
University of York
Received on Tue Oct 23 2001 - 12:41:08 BST