I used to use those 5x86 "VIP" (VLB/ISA/PCI) mothers all the time, having bought
dozens of them in the fall-'93-spring '94 semester. However, I've not seen them
for sale anywhere since then. I'd been using VLB for a couple of years by then
and found the video faster and the SCSI (ADAPTEC AHA2842) and IDE (PROMISE
Technology had serveral nice controllers) considerably improved by the wider
bus. The "normal" multi-i/o situated on a VLB card wasn't particularly faster,
however. With a VLB video card, a VLB SCSI port, and a VLB IDE card, one had a
pretty hot Win3.1 box.
I still occasionally have contact with one or more of those 5x86/133's, but they
generally had only one VLB slot. I always needed two or more. Whenever I run
into a Pentium mobo that uses SIMMs or DIMMs and has both PCI and VLB slots
(that's plural, BTW) I attempt to buy it, if it's not too pricey, provided
there's still support for it available in the form of BIOS updates and updated
drivers. A few are still supported.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Iggy Drougge" <optimus_at_canit.se>
To: "Douglas Quebbeman" <classiccmp_at_classiccmp.org>
Sent: Friday, October 26, 2001 3:30 PM
Subject: RE: VLB SCSI?
> Douglas Quebbeman skrev:
> >> Unfortunately, the VLB is alread a "classic" feature, having been "dead"
> >> now for over a decade.
> >While I'm sure they exist (i.e. EISA ones), I don't have any 486 motherboards
> >that aren't VLB boards, the most recent of which was bought new in 1994.
> I've got some nice motherboards with both ISA, PCI and VLB. =)
> >Still, while not-quite-classic, VLB sure isn't leading the industry...
> But it's hardly a decade old, and only dead since about five years...
> --
> En ligne avec Thor 2.6a.
> Haben Sie schon mal einen Wegweiser gesehen, der selbst den Weg geht, den er
> weist?
> --- Ludwig XV (K?nig von Frankreich, 1710-1774)
Received on Fri Oct 26 2001 - 16:48:08 BST
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