blinkenlights for everybody (?)

From: The Wanderer <>
Date: Sat Oct 27 10:29:27 2001

Hello Henk,

A great idea! Now, if the I/O sandwich board could also be configured
for use with an
original PDP panel, then that will be even better. I'm quite sure there
are several
list members who have a panel but do not necessarely have the attached

Using a separate SBC to control the panel (new or original) can also
mean that it can
be linked with Bob Supniks PDP emulator, although some additional
interface routines
may need to be written.

In any case, this makes a new model in the PDP series, the PDP-11/486.


Gooijen H wrote:
> Hi all.
> Some weeks ago there was a thread about blinkenlights and consoles.
> It was mentioned that a simple piece of hardware (just a few
> resistors two transistors and 16 LEDs) connected to the printer port
> of a PC can be brought to life when you run Ersatz-11.
> Well, it took some time for me to decide whether I should go 'public'
> with a project I intend to embark on.
> In short: a *_full_* console on a PC that runs Ersatz-11.
> The reason to announce the project is to get feedback. Am I on the
> right track. Have a look, on this page (part of my website) you can
> find a small ZIP file that contains the draft document that descibes
> it.
> Any comment is appreciated.
> - Henk.

The Wanderer                      | Politici zijn gore oplichters.                  | Europarlementariers: zakkenvullers      | en neuspeuteraars.
Unix Lives! M$ Windows is rommel! | Kilometerheffing : De overheid
'97 TL1000S                       | weet waar je bent geweest!
Received on Sat Oct 27 2001 - 10:29:27 BST

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