email/browser for DOS or C64/128?
It's hard to know what to do in this environment. I've been crabbed at so many
times for leaving the context in place, which I definitely prefer, since I
process lots (hundreds) of emails every day and am getting forgetful as I get
older, hence tend to lose my place. Several people have slow terminals via
shell access, however, and can't take the time to download all the prior
context, however. Some places, as you may know, charge for email by the bit,
which means chopping off the prior message saves them money as well as time.
Having a fairly high bandwidth connection myself, it doesn't matter so much at
this end.
HOWEVER ... what I was asking about, actually was WHICH CPU in the COM64/128
runs the browser/etc software. Maybe this thread has drifted off, but I was
just curious whether somebody had built a stack for the 6502 core.
I've been curious because I'm looking at whipping up a middle layer IP stack
processor in programmable logic, implementing just the TCP/UDP at the top and
IP/ICMP at the bottom, leaving ARP and all the lower-level (local networi) stuff
for someone else, and likewise, leaving the upper layers for someone else as
well, e.g. by shoving the data out parallel ports. I have to be able to stream
at a rate that keeps up with 10Gb ethernet, parallel interfaced at the lower
interface, however. Seeing how this works on a simple CPU like the 6502 core
might shed some light and provide some inspiration.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Iggy Drougge" <>
To: "Richard Erlacher" <>
Sent: Sunday, October 28, 2001 12:19 AM
Subject: Re: email/browser for DOS or C64/128?
> Richard Erlacher skrev:
> Erlacher, are you replying on top just to spite me? How will we sort this out
> now? Will I have to snip the passage which would contain information supplying
> the context? Yes, I'll have to do that.
> When will you learn?
> >Which CPU does this use? The COMMODOREs of that era had both the Z80 and the
> >65xx, didn't they?
> This? The SuperCPU? That's a 65816.
> The VIC-20 used a 6502, the C64 a 6510 and the C128 used an 8510, IIRC, as
> well as a Z80 for CP/M.
> --
> En ligne avec Thor 2.6a.
> Ky?suke: Jag heter Kurre, Kurre Carlsson!
> Jag: Det heter du inte alls!
Received on Sun Oct 28 2001 - 01:12:05 BST
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