Collection Database - was Re: Price guide for vintage computers

From: Iggy Drougge <>
Date: Sun Oct 28 18:35:35 2001

David Williams skrev:

>I too would be interested in hearing what others have/use for this.
>I've recently had to move my whole collection and I'm taking the chance
>to inventory everthing and would like to set up a nice DB for it all.

Tabulated ascii files. Not very advanced, no fancy sorting or cataloguing
features, but very portable and very managable with a simple text editor. =)

En ligne avec Thor 2.6a.
Amiga 4000/040 25MHz/64MB/20GB RetinaBLTZ3/VLab/FastlaneZ3/Ariadne/Toccata
Received on Sun Oct 28 2001 - 18:35:35 GMT

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