Price guide for vintage computers
Has anyone considered that creating a price guide might do more harm than
good. What do you think that thrift shops (for example) would do if they had
a price guide? Jack their prices up to match most likely, on items that they
might have sold for less if they didn't know better. I guess my point is
that having a price guide available online might lead to higher prices. I
was able to buy a valiant turtle robot for a fraction of what it was worth
because the seller had no idea of it's value. Every collector has similar
stories, and while those things would still happen from time to time, a
price guide would certainly reduce the chances -especially with software. If
the price guide lists certain things as rare and more valueable, then the
seller will likely jack up his asking price. On the other hand, what if the
seller had no idea? The chances are better for collectors to get a "good"
deal. It's just something to consider.
Received on Sun Oct 28 2001 - 20:28:51 GMT
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