Why did CompUSA stop selling gift certificates?
Perhaps instead of putting the sales proceeds from the gift certificates in
escrow, they invested the funds in a Risky Scheme. They then become "unfunded
liabilities" (which is what accountants call them) if the money behind the gift
certificates is lost.
Keep an eye on the Security & Exchange Commission's EDGAR for any CompUSA
filings, indicating any material change.
-> Visit the Clinton Presidential Library at:
>-----Original Message-----
>From: David Woyciesjes [mailto:DAW_at_yalepress3.unipress.yale.edu]
>Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2001 2:52 PM
>Subject: OT: Question for American Subscribers...
> Why would a large computer retailer (CompUSA) stop selling gift
>certificates at this time of year? Might CompUSA be going titsup.com?
>--- David A Woyciesjes
>--- C & IS Support Specialist
>--- Yale University Press
>--- mailto:david.woyciesjes_at_yale.edu
>--- (203) 432-0953
>--- ICQ # - 905818
Received on Tue Oct 30 2001 - 13:59:13 GMT