The Future End of Classic Computing

From: Douglas H. Quebbeman <>
Date: Mon Apr 1 17:44:10 2002

> This idiodic bill bill sounds like a sure fire way to
> kill the electronics industry in the US. I wonder who Fritz
> Hollings really works for, the Taliban? In any event, it
> will NEVER happen in the US, we already smuggle in huge
> quantities of drugs, gun s, booze, parrots and everything
> else that the US government attempts to ban so I guess we may
> have to add computers to the list next.

Doc's response seems to be typical- it sounds so outrageous
that there's no way it could happen.

However, I nonetheless urge everyone to write their U.S.
representative and Senator and inform them that this and
any similar legislation is unacceptable to you. In order
to keep your message short, I suggest that you not elucidate
the many reasons why it's bad, but instead offer to do so
in a follow-up correspondance.

-doug q
Received on Mon Apr 01 2002 - 17:44:10 BST

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