Soldering and other skills (was Re: QL-Quality (Was: ZX-81 Question))

From: Stan Barr <>
Date: Mon Apr 1 14:43:58 2002

Hi, (Tony Duell) said:
> > Don't eat sandwiches while you're soldering...and wash your hands when
> > you're done ;-) Lead in gasoline (petrol over here) was a bigger
> > problem.
> But I am not at all convinced that the alternatives that are added to
> 'unleaded' petrol are any more healthy...

Especially in the higher octane stuff...

> >
> > Resin flux is a known carcinogen, so don't breathe the fumes.
> Oh _great_. Still, it's a well-known fact that research causes cancer in
> rats :-)

Flux fumes are not a _major_ risk...other measurable risks include
any food that's caramelized - like toast - and green vegetables ;-)

The risks however are _very_ small...
Stan Barr
The future was never like this!
Received on Mon Apr 01 2002 - 14:43:58 BST

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