need the use of a scanner with sheet feeder (near Seattle)

From: Tothwolf <>
Date: Mon Apr 8 15:17:45 2002

On Mon, 8 Apr 2002, Douglas H. Quebbeman wrote:

> However... have you checked out the DjVu imaging compression
> technology? DjVu is a non-propreitary superset of the iterated fractal
> system imaging compression technology I read about in Byte magazine
> back in the 1980s. Now that the secret's out of the bag, everyone can
> have utilize extremely high-compression if you can suffer the slight
> loss of fidelity to the original (for example, the analysis will find
> a single ideal letter form for an 'A', and uses that ideal letterform
> image when reconstructing the document, instead of recording every
> pixel at every location.

Sounds like OCR software to me. There any major differences?

Received on Mon Apr 08 2002 - 15:17:45 BST

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