More 11/750 PSU Qs

From: Alex White <>
Date: Mon Apr 15 12:35:59 2002

On Mon, 2002-04-15 at 10:13, Carlini, Antonio wrote:
> >> I was wondering if any of you know of a good power supply rebuilders in
> >> the UK?
> >
> >Never needed one ;-)
> I hear the sound of a volunteer :-)
:D Will you be my friend too?

> >> order a new industrial PSU to supply these voltages/currents (plus
> >
> >Well, I'd rather keep the machine as original as possible (if only to
> >make repairs easier in the future), not to mention the cost of a custom PSU
> This machine used to at least power up without
> exploding at least two owner's ago. It seems to
> be the same machine reported as having a 2.5V
> REGFAIL about four years ago ... so it's not
> been powered off for a *really* log time.
> OTOH, the PSU blocks do need to be plugged
> back in correctly otherwise something
> *will* go phut very loudly.
> I'll go read the printset as soon as I dig it
> out, it may have details of what goes where.
> >NO!. SMPSUs do not like being run in parallel (unless designed to be used
> >like that). One PSU will end up attempting to supply all the current and
> >the other PSUs may not like having voltages applied to their outputs.
> And once the first one drops dead, the next
> most "powerful" one repeats the process.
> Proof by "induction" left as an exercise :-)
*giggle* OK, ok, thought it was best to ask.... *laughs manically*

> Antonio
Received on Mon Apr 15 2002 - 12:35:59 BST

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