Download CD images for RSX-11 and RT-11 Freeware CDs from TimShoppa

From: Eric Dittman <>
Date: Tue Apr 16 15:54:29 2002

> Even the hobby version of Ersatz-11 is able to run all versions of
> RT-11, but a license is required to legally do so. On the other hand,
> SIMH is available and there is a hobby license from Mentec which
> allows the 1985 V5.03 of RT-11 to be legally run by a hobby user.
> ...
> The commercial version does cost $ US 2999 for DOS/W95/W98/NT.
> However, when running the RT-11 operating system, there are sufficient
> resources (about 300 KBytes of emulated PDP-11 memory) and hard
> disk devices (up to 32 MBytes) to be sufficient for almost all applications.
> So while I admit that having the commercial version is extremely convenient,
> the extra features (all 4 MBytes of memory and unlimited hard disk devices)
> only make things easier to do and test.

simh is the only one I can use as I don't have any DOS/W95/W98
systems, and the hobby version doesn't run on W2K/WXP. With
simh I can use a Linux version (preferred) or a W2K/WXP version.
Eric Dittman
Check out the DEC Enthusiasts Club at
Received on Tue Apr 16 2002 - 15:54:29 BST

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