On Wed, 17 Apr 2002, Zane H. Healy wrote:
> It's not much help, but the first Z248 that we recieved had MS-DOS 3.x and
> Windows 1.0x floppies included with it.
> I've never seen a copy of Windows 2.x, however, oddly enough I recently
> found a shrinkwrapped copy of Windows 1.0 in the trash!
> On a vaguely interesting Windows 1.x note, the PC version of the game
> "Balance of Power" included just enough of Windows 1.x to run the game! It
> was the only use I ever had for Windows 1.x :^)
That takes me back. Balance of Power was a cool game. Spent many late
nights in college playing that game (Political Sci major). The graphics
were sort of neat for a strategy-type game. I did not realize that it was
an early windows.
Received on Wed Apr 17 2002 - 21:15:10 BST