Look at Nortel's site. They bought Bay a couple of years ago.
John Boffemmyer IV wrote:
> i'm now in search of anything pertaining to the Bay Networks 16/4
> BayStack Token Ring Hub with Fiber MDA RO/RI, 24port RJ45.
> Documentation, manuals, software (it does seem to have a DB9 "console"
> port on the back)? it is currently working well on my little network
> of 3 token ring machines (one P-III 850, one Athlon 750 and one P-II
> 350), where i get link, 16M, FRM, Mgt, etc. steady Green. One thing
> that bothers me though: WTF is NNM and DCM and why are they flashing
> Green? also, is there a way to disable the MDA module and why is it
> showing Snpx lit steady Green? there is no connection to it currently.
> the hub does, however, link up nicely to the 3Com LinkBuilder FMS TR
> 12 that i also have through cascade port 1 on the Bay unit and the
> internetworking port on the back of the 3com unit. main goal: to make
> the P-350 my main linux netowrk server with my own web hosting at some
> point and email hosting with dual or possibly quad token ring going
> out to the network and having a singular ethernet AMD PC-Net II (IBM
> badged) PCI for Ethernet going out to the router and out to the
> broadband cable modem. i even went out and found the nifty yellow
> ethernet cables (CAT5) that have soft rubber strain relief boots on
> them (really nice and professional looking and obtained free). =)
> -John
> Note: next goal is to toss narrow SCSI into the linux box (it is still
> partially built) and maybe have dual 9 gb or quad 4.x gb drives in it.
> ----------------------------------------
> Founder, Lead Writer, Tech Analyst
> and Web Designer Boff-Net Technologies
> http://boff-net.dhs.org/index.html
> ---------------------------------------
Received on Sat Apr 20 2002 - 10:03:08 BST