Open source -- non computer topics

From: Ben Franchuk <>
Date: Tue Apr 23 11:26:00 2002

Raymond Moyers wrote:
> On Monday 22 April 2002 23:43, you wrote:
> the brainwashed anti reality feelings-based moonified
> left have butchered 200 million people,
> In first place we have Stalinist USSR that butchered 60 million
> of its own people.
> In second Place is Mao who murdered 40 Million of his own
> people
> In third place is the National Socialists (Nazi) under Hitler
> with 20 Million dead

It just proves that they have problems picking a healthy government
system. That is not to say as a people the don't have their good
and bad points otherwise. I live in Canada so I tend to feel middle
The US governmental system has its good and bad points too. A government
ruled by $$$ is just as bad as other power hungry groups.
I fear Disney more than the USSR for taking away freedoms and 1984
>Your a Holocaust denier ?
No but once race hatred starts it is hard to get both sides to stop!

> Thats the leftist brainwashing at work, when people can no longer
> identify right or wrong or true or false, they are ready to be fed lies
> and be complicit with horrendus evil, as the 200 million murdered,
> thats 4 times the 43 Million battle dead of all wars, would testify
> if the dead could talk.

No -- control of people is the problem. Right now people want to stop
things like porn by limiting who has access to the net via software.
That is not the way to stop access of porn from children. Will M$ be
the power to say what is GOOD or EVIL? The way to stop porn and children
is teach the children what avoid or limit what they do on the net and
of what can placed on the net for the general public for money making

Myself I think religion and power of kings and governments have caused
a lot of wasted death. Yes there is great evil out there. Evil -- the
act of causing senseless pain and suffering. Stupidly --
causing senseless pain and suffering to your self.

> If Big Brother handed down a book of news speak we would have your
> utopia then ... with all such non-words eliminated.

I have never clamed utopia.

> Freedom isnt chaos, the free world has rules, the ip stack
> has rules, but the only valid rules are those that restrict
> others from .... be it an individual or the demands of the
> mob ( usually led by a tyrant ) ..... impinging on that freedom.

I have just read a good quote but I just can't remember it something
like.The power of government is only from the sharing of individual
for the common cause.

> Its why america remains the powerhouse that it is,
> we are more powerfull because we have more freedom

Funny I thought was the USA tries harder to be free!
I like adult computer games ( I don't like porn ) but there is
little freedom to get the games in America from Japan. Funny
I can get a dumb game in breakfast cereal.

> All goverments that follow the leftist model are known for famine
> mass murder and dispair or are following the same path
> as the poor fools that went before them.

With good governments you got a chance to kick out the real stupid
ones before they get to power.
> Unix is a great system because of the same freedom, it does
> not dictate the language you use or the look or feel of the
> interface, the X11 primatives push look and feel into
> userspace.

I like open source -- but linux is not the only computer OS.

> Dont like Gnome or Kde ? Windomaker is my fav,
> there are dozens of desktops that look like riscos or macos or
> plan9 or .. the choice is all up to the user, Freedom !

And they all look like 95 to me. I use debian linux ... Red hat has
too much political -- me is right and I am the only way --
Also debian is the only version you can upgrade with a modem.

> Then i dont see what your complaint was here then ..
It hard to find a 3 button mouse!

> > Nah ... More a "Mother Earth News" type guy.
> Much of their stuff seems wrapped around the same socialist
> mindset that butchered 200 Million people.

I can't see how you can get a socialist mind set from reading
"mother earth news". In many cases they have a strong sense of
community and barter a lot. It is their choice not to use money.
A little profit is good, too much is greed.

> But because leftist are not focused on the greatest tax income but
> in bloodstained marxist egalitarianism the misery industry and utopian
> dreamer feelgood schemes the potental and treasure of our people
> has been wasted, we could have been a lot farther along, but
> we have blown it on social engineering, small sips of the same
> egalitarian poison that has butchered so many after they fell
> into the whole leftist program.

Let blame specific events and people, not go on witch hunt with blanket

> This is more brainwashing
> Capitalism has no holocaust to its discredit

That is the most brainwashing statement ever on the grounds that it
claims to be perfect and true and with out fault.
> Even bill gates has never machined gunned people into
> a fresh dug ditch.

But would bill gates sell guns if that made more money for him?

> I would say that perhaps sim earth, is a bit faulty, for example
> if penetubo errupted on sim earth, ( it let go of more CO/2
> and SO/2 than all of mans activity in his entire history on earth )
> then their model is programmed to show enviromental disaster
   The model may be wrong but the point that humanity is affecting
the envornment is not!

> On earth ... a volcano can belch an amount of CO/2 that makes
> all the oil burned on earth at one time insignificant, and the only
> thing that happens is faster plant growth and in 2 years several
> mankind history of total possible oil burnings worth of CO2 is
> gone and the envirowacko climate catastrophe left to be nothing
> but their usual hairbrained nonreasoned nattering nabob effuent.

   Got figures???

> the next problem would be controling plant growth so that it didnt
> suck out all the CO/2 before you could populate it with lots of us
> nasty humans burning oil to feed the plants to keep it out of
> slipping back to its ice age

   Some people figure that happened about 680,000,000 years ago
and the whole earth froze over. ( the sun was less warm then )

> On earth our food production has grown along with our CO/2
> supply, im quite convinced if it was not for mans activity
> the earth would have gone back into its ice cube period.

   That man's major envormental activity has been only the last 1000
I don't think that is true.

> The ice caps are already melting on mars btw, the REAL factor
> for climate change, the sun is gasifying the mars poles a bit the
> past couple years ( the sun is having a double peak sunspot
> cycle ) its too bad leftodumbo envirowacko PC religion
> that they pass off as science these days is too busy with
> their leftist delusion, away from emotion, and wishfull thinking,
> out here in the realm of reality and facts, there is some interesting
> things happening.
time will tell.

> Read it again, or wait 30 years when you are wiser, then read it again.
No I just want it translated so I can read it now!

> Raymond

Ben Franchuk - Dawn * 12/24 bit cpu *
Received on Tue Apr 23 2002 - 11:26:00 BST

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