Douglas H. Quebbeman said:
> IRIX in morning, sysadmins take warning...
> IRIX at night, hacker's delight.
Hey, I actually like IRIX quite a bit! :)
Granted, if I wanted to run an Internet server, I would probably
reach for one of my Sun slabs running NetBSD, but my desktop UNIX
workstation sitting next to me here is an Indigo2!
I love SGI hardware -- I have a ton of Indy, Indigo, and Indigo2
systems that I run as UNIX workstations around the house, and I
have not yet found a window manager that I prefer over 4Dwm.
All my SGI machines are superbly reliable, although security can
get to be a concern sometimes.
16 CDs? That seems really strange -- I tend to throw almost the
entire system on my machines (drive space willing) and it takes
maybe six or seven for 6.5.0...
Kind regards,
Sean Caron
Sean Caron
Received on Wed Apr 24 2002 - 17:47:19 BST