> > Ah, okie. Yes, the Indus is excellent. Does the Atari version have the ROM
> > disk that the Commodore version does? (For those not in the know, the
> > Commodore Indus GT drive has a drive 1 [LOAD"$1",8] with DOS Wedge, a
> > fast loader and some other utilities permanently in drive ROM that can
> > just be loaded out of the drive instantaneously.)
> No, I've not seen mention of it in the manual for the drive.
> Is the operation the same as using the 1541?
Yep, you just LOAD files from it as if the Indus were a dual drive (device 8
drive 0 being the "real" drive, device 8 drive 1 being the ROM disk). Very
clever idea.
> With the Atari version,
> everything is disk based. To take full advantage of the drive's
> capabilities you boot a version of Atari DOS for it, though other
> versions of the OS not specifically written to use it also work fine.
Ah, that makes sense.
> > The Commodore Indus GT also came with some (moderately pathetic) office
> > software, but it was an interesting bonus.
> Yes, the Atari version did also. They're ok if they're the
> only applications you have though! Did the Commodore version come in
> the black plastic carry case?
Do you mean the main case itself?
Speaking of the main case, the smoked plastic "door" and the track display
(which doubled as the error display on the Commodore version) is also
very slick, as well as being able to soft-write-protect a disk from the
front control panel.
----------------------------- personal page: http://www.armory.com/~spectre/ --
Cameron Kaiser, Point Loma Nazarene University * ckaiser_at_stockholm.ptloma.edu
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Received on Fri Apr 26 2002 - 07:27:02 BST