Sun help needed... [was: RE: open "dumpster" event in New Haven, CT]

From: David Woyciesjes <>
Date: Fri Apr 26 09:01:08 2002

        This may be an off-topic post, but Chris is nuts for old HP laser
printers and old Macs! A 2 hour drive, out of the blue, during the week,
just for two printers... Well I guess that fits just about everybody on this
list though...

        Anyway, to my point... This is off-topic, so taking it off-list is
appropriate I believe... I have a Sun Ultra1 Creator. (170E, Open Boot 3.1,
128 MB RAM, 4 GB Quantum, 1 GB Conner, floppy disk... old 19" Sun color
monitor, type 5c keyb, optical mouse w/proper silver pad!) Well, now that I
finally got the Creator framebuffer replaced, it's time to load Solaris.
Except that all the CD-ROMS I have aren't even seen by the console... And I
tried the sector size jumper both ways.
- Matsushita CR-503-B Compaq spare...
- Smart 7 Friendly CD-R 4012
- Apple CD300 plus (found the Sun CD list that said these didn't work
        I have a DEC RRD42 external CD drive here at work that I'm gonna
"borrow" this weekend.

        Any tips, tricks, or other hints? Maybe something I missed? How
about other options for getting this puppy running?

        Thanks to Sridhar and DaveM for trying to help last might...

---   David A Woyciesjes
---   C & IS Support Specialist
---   Yale University Press
---   (203) 432-0953
---   ICQ # - 905818
Mac OS X 10.1.2 - Darwin Kernel Version 5.2: Fri Dec  7 21:39:35 PST 2001
Running since 01/22/2002 without a crash
> ----------
> From: 	Chris
> >> 1 HP LaserJet IIID, w/ duplex
> >Covet covet.
> >
> >*sigh* I'm in Qu?bec.
> That is sitting in the back of the van sitting in my driveway :-)
> In the morning I will see what it's status is (Dave believes it works, 
> but doesn't know 100%... worst case, I will probably canabalize my LJ 2 
> to get the IIID running)
> Sorry, had to rub it in (isn't often I have toys others want)
> -chris
Received on Fri Apr 26 2002 - 09:01:08 BST

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