BS al a Erlacher

From: John Allain <>
Date: Sun Apr 28 15:39:02 2002

I'll just say now that I haven't read all the threads referred to, nor will
But given the relative reputations of those involved, I know who I'm
siding with, and that's too bad, in the sense that some of the things
that might have been said were of value. I know what value I give Dicks
statements. 80% of them are on electronics construction, and I have
respect for those. But Dick really should learn which things he excells
at and which he doesn't.
A well phrased rant is still just a rant, only it wastes more of peoples
who care to read it, than a succinct one.
I have a sneaking suspicion that the added grammar really doesn't add
much to the value of the post at all.

John A.
OH, that's what B.S. is!
Received on Sun Apr 28 2002 - 15:39:02 BST

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