Vax 8600 on Ebay

From: Eric Dittman <>
Date: Thu Aug 1 08:20:01 2002

> > I thought this would be a good canidate to post to the list.
> >
> >
> >
> > Is the seller or bidder here on the list?
> That's me. I like big iron, but it is just too big for me. There are other
> vaxen that are still cool but are smaller and more compatible with my home's
> electrical feed. I have a 730, for instance. It needs a new home. I was
> waiting to see if someone was going to post a link to it. :-)
> I don't really expect the bids to go very high. eBay is just a way of
> getting the message out. What would be really cool is to get some PDP
> hardware in trade for it, but it is more important to find a good home for
> it.

Speaking of which, this week I talked to someone that threw out
a PDP-11/70 as they couldn't find anyone that would take it. I
told him that if I'd known I'm sure someone here would probably
be interested.

He's going to join the list soon.
Eric Dittman
Check out the DEC Enthusiasts Club at
Received on Thu Aug 01 2002 - 08:20:01 BST

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